Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: It's My 50th Birthday!

It's My 50th Birthday!

1:00 PM

Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
So, Tuesday, September 22nd was my 50th birthday. It took me a week to process it and all that has happened. Since my 49th birthday, so much in my life has changed... for the better. After several YEARS of deep contemplation, I decided to end my marriage during Summer of 2019. December 6, 2019, I packed up and moved to Auburn, AL to be near Mikaela. I needed rest, relaxation and a reset. After 3 months, the pandemic hit and it was the best thing to happen to me. The entire world slowed down to a pace that met my own. I enjoyed the stillness. Since March, I've done a lot of soul searching and reflecting regarding who I am and who I want to be in this new stage of life. Knowing that I made the best possible decision for myself, I'm not bitter, jaded, sad or angry. I'm excited! I'm excited about new beginnings and fresh starts. I'm even dating, during the pandemic! Navigating this has been super tricky and interesting. It takes getting to know someone, their habits and whether or not they are strongly "Covid Conscious". With everything that is going on in the world, this has been the year that I needed and hopefully, it will end on a high note. I'm looking forward to 2021.

But let's move on and talk about this dress!

Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
I haven't been inspired to make a birthday dress in a longtime. I'd had this pattern, Vogue 1692 since it came out. It had always been my intention to take the pattern and just make it into a casual racerback style maxi dress. But why? Why not create what it was intended to be? Something glamorous.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
My fabric is a stretch black and gold glitter knit. And my lining is a basic black polyester knit. The pattern called for a contrasting fabric, which is simply to create bias binding to finish the neck, keyhole and armholes. I just used the lining fabric.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
This is a really simple pattern that sews quickly, but it required a lot of alterations for me. 
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
Here is my FBA and the one inch length at the waist. 
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
Princess seams are really the best when it comes to perfecting fit.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
I needed to make a sway back adjustment as well as a full seat adjustment.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
There's an invisible zipper. With the amount of stretch in my fabric, I can almost get it on as a pullover.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
I added 4" to the length (I could've gone longer) and I stabilized the high slit.
Vogue 1692 - Glitter Gown - Erica Bunker DIY Style!
I love this dress and I hope I get the opportunity to make this one again in another color.

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  1. Happy Birthday! Keep on living and creating. I’m happy for you!

  2. Happy Birthday! Keep on living and creating. I’m happy for you!

  3. Happy Birthday Erica! You are killing it on so many levels! 50 never looked so good!

  4. Happy for you and your outlook. Great dress and excellent fit.

  5. Happy birthday!! Love the dress! Wishing you much more success is all facets of your life !

  6. Happy birthday Erica! You are a very strong woman!

  7. Happy Blessed Birthday. You look absolutely fabulous.

  8. I’m here for all of it! The life update, the fabulous dress, you prioritizing you... It all makes me smile!

  9. I’m sorry, but I think we need to check some ID because I just turned 46 years old on September 24th and I don’t look anywhere near this youthful or drop dead sexy. Maybe I should look into some some major life changes in the next few years too... 🤣 But back on track to this show stopper and traffic jam maker of a dress—definitely was the way to go making a glamorous version and that fabric is the right level of drama for your new drama-free lifestyle! Even if the out of the package pattern wasn’t perfect, be thankful you have the skills to know what to do to make it perfect for you—because you definitely made yourself the perfect dress. Take all the bows you can in that gown! 💛

  10. Happy birthday Erica. Your dress is amazing as usual and the fit is so good.

  11. Happy Birthday! So glad to hear you're living your best life. You look amazing in this gown!

  12. Happy Birthday again Erica, this dress is absolutely perfect. ❤️❤️

  13. Happy Birthday and beautiful dress! Cheers to this new year in your life being the best one yet!❤

  14. Happy Birthday Erica. You are pure fabulousness!

  15. Happy Birthday & you look amazing.

  16. I’m so happy that you are living for you and loving it! Congratulations on your 50th with your fine self! Hugs!


  17. Happy birthday Erica! Your dress is beautiful and you look amazing in it.

  18. Beautiful work and happy birthday!!

  19. Happy Birthday Erica. I love the dress and you look fabulous in it. I pray 2021 bring you lots of happiness.

  20. You look amazing!
    Happy Birthday

  21. Happy Pandemic Birthday!

  22. Your dress is fantastic and I hope this next year brings you even more joy and amazing adventures as you embark upon this stage of your life!

  23. Dress is AMAZING! Happy Birthday!

  24. Happy birthday sis! I’m so glad that BMM has given me an opportunity to get to know you and I look forward to more zoom call, glasses of wine and fun times ahead!

  25. Happy Birthday🎉🎉🎊🎊🍾🍾

  26. Happy Birthday. Your dress is wonderful and you look fantastic in it. Did you make a muslin for the fitting? I’m curious, did you use regular paper for your pattern adjustments? Does having a stiffer paper with the tissue cause any problems?

  27. Congrats and good luck with your new beginnings!

  28. Happy birthday, Erica! You look gorgeous! Good luck with everything!xxCamelia

  29. Congratulations and I hope you have an absolutely fantastic year Erica!!!

  30. Many happy returns!! Sista, your outfits are always looking good as usual!!

  31. Many happy returns!! Sista, your outfits are always looking good as usual!!

  32. Happy birthday, Erica. You look fabulous. God bless you. Enjoy your new life.

  33. Happy Birthday - have fun.
    My 50th Birthday and the feeling I had when I reached that decade was fantastic.
    I felt for the first time that I was a real grown up and I didn't have to keep apologising for who I was.
    It was really freeing and I hope it is for you too.

  34. I hope you had a 50th birthday as fabulous as you are my friend!! My 50's were my best decade so far. I traveled extensively, started TaeKwonDo, earned a Black belt, and got remarried!!! I wish you joy and happiness, because it's just around the corner.

    1. Thank you Pam! You are the poster girl for being 50 and Fabulous!

  35. Yesss. . to this Dress and your Renewed Aspirations. Happy Blessed Birthday!

  36. Happy birthday, Erica! Your dress is lovely.

  37. The dress is amazing and you look fabulous

  38. I don't know what looks more AMAZING--you or the dress!! Wowza! Happy 50th birthday!

  39. Happy birthday Erica and you look absolutely stunning! I'm in my early 50s now and feel more confident than ever.

  40. Happy birthday! I absolutely love that you made a birthday dress.

  41. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

  42. This is the first time I've come across your blog, and after reading the short blurb on your home page you pulled me right in to read the whole post. Thank you for sharing both the personal and dress stories! Happy birthday! You and your dress look phenomenal!

  43. Hi there Erica,
    Sorry I am just catching up with you now. Fabulous dress, I have been looking at this pattern for a while, but am conscious of my arms................I guess I could always through caution to the wind, and go for it.

    May I wish you all the best for the future; I am sure there are many blessings coming your way. Hugs and love from the other side of the pond. Marysia.

  44. Happy Belated Birthday.. 50 looks Fabulous on you.. Beautiful Dress.


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