Thursday, October 03, 2024

Fun Ways To Pass The Time On Your Break

Taking breaks throughout the day isn’t just a good idea - it’s essential for your mental and physical wellbeing. The problem is that it’s hard to know just what you should be doing with these precious minutes, and if you don’t want to spend all your breaks scrolling through social media, the good news is there are plenty of other things you can do, even if you’ve only got a short amount of time. With that in mind, here are some of the fun ways to pass the time on your break so you can feel refreshed and ready to get back to whatever you were doing in a more productive way. Read on to find out more. 

Photo by nappy

Play A Quick Game

One of the best ways to pass the time and give your brain a break is to play a quick game. It really doesn’t have to be anything too difficult or intense; it just needs to be something light and fun that will take your mind off things for a few minutes, and something like spider solitaire is ideal, for example. These types of games are fun, easy to play, and they’re a great way to just zone out for a little while (and we do mean little - you don’t need a lot of time to enjoy them). Plus, you’ll get a nice sense of accomplishment from solving a game or getting further than you did before, and that’s always positive. 

The key is to find a game that keeps your mind occupied but that doesn’t need you to think too hard because the goal of taking a break is to rest and recharge before you get back into whatever it was you were doing. FInd a game that does that, and you can enjoy your breaks even more. 

Take A Short Walk

If you’ve been sitting at a desk for hours, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get up and move around, so a short walk outside or even just around the building can be ideal. A walk like this can work wonders for both your mind and body, and if you can go outside that’s even better because fresh air and a change of scenery can clear your head, reduce stress, and give you a little boost of energy to tackle the rest of your day. 

Walking is great because it gets your blood flowing, helps you stretch your legs, and lets you escape from the four walls of your workspace, and you should find that by the time you’re finished you feel a lot more focused and have more energy too. 

Try Some Simple Stretches

If you’re feeling stiff after sitting for so long, a quick stretching session can help relieve tension and make you feel more energized which in turn is going to help you get more done and tick more off your to-do list, so you’ll feel more accomplished and motivated to keep going. Don’t worry, though; you don’t have to go to a yoga class (unless you want to, of course) because even just a few minutes of stretching can help loosen tight muscles and help to make you feel more relaxed. 

Stretching helps for all kinds of reasons, and some of the benefits of stretching more include improved circulation, stress relief, and better flexibility - and who wouldn’t want all of those things? The best thing to do is to focus on the areas of your body that get tight from sitting, like your neck, shoulders, lower back, and maybe your hips too, and you’ll instantly feel a lot better. 

Have A Short Read

If you love books but struggle to find the time to read, your break could be the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a few pages, an article, something from a comic book, or whatever it is you like best. 

Reading is an ideal thing to do on a break because it means you’re not looking at a screen for once (and yes, eReaders can be great, but reading a physical book is a better idea if you really want to relax yourself - and specifically your eyes), and you’re able to go into a whole new world for a few minutes, and that’s usually enough to re-set you and get you ready to work again. 

Something that can help you do this is having a ‘work book’ that you only read at work - you can keep it in your desk and get into the habit of reading it on your breaks each day. Choose a good book, and you won’t be able to resist diving back in whenever you can.

1 comment:

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