Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: Dress Over Jeans!

Dress Over Jeans!

9:45 AM

I've posted before about my newest infatuation of wearing dresses over pants.  This time, I'm wearing one over skinny jeans.  This dress works out perfectly because in my opinion, the fabric is too thin and the dress is too short on my 5'9" frame, so it's more of a tunic.  But a cute tunic.
I love the details a lot.  The asymmetrical off-the-shoulder detail and all of the buttons down the side are just so cute to me.
The dress came with a self-belt, but I decided to warm the look up with tan accessories.

Let's take a sec and talk about shoes.  As much as a love a good high heel, my knees just aren't able to walk in them as much as I use to.  And all occasions and venues aren't "high heel appropriate".  There is nothing like seeing that woman, you know the one, hobbling through the mall in platforms or stilettos -- looking like a newborn baby deer.  Speaking of, here's a great article on Glamour Editor-in-Chief's Heel Detox.  I saw her on Good Morning America yesterday, so I thought this was interesting enough to share.
So, I've been showing more post with me in flats -- because I do wear them!  But contrary to belief, sometimes flats aren't that comfortable either, especially for someone like me with flat feet.  That's what I love about these sandals I'm wearing here.  They have a little bit of a heel, which is giving me just enough arch support.  And they have memory foam.  Winning!  So they were perfect for a Sunday afternoon in the park with Isabella!

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  1. Perfect ensemble!
    I love the color choice of belt and shoes :)

  2. This month, the dr oz magazine echoes your thoughts in high heels and has a nice seller toon of foot friendly footware. I have never been able to wear heels but I love a cute flat!

  3. Isabella has gotten so tall! She is adorable! It's so nice to see a picture of the grandbaby.

    1. I can't believe it's almost time for her to go to school! Thanks Carolyn!

  4. Good look.. Beautiful granddaughter.

  5. Beautiful ensemble. I do like the addition of the tan belt and the shoes are great. Isabella is such a cute little girl!

  6. Algeria Shoes have been a very popular choice for nurses for several years. I have about ten pair I switched up for work but haven't tried any sandals. Adding those to my list..... Unbelievable comfort!

    1. They are super comfortable and if I had to work on my feet all day, I'd definitely want a pair.

  7. I love your comfy tunic but I must comment on the adorable pics with Isabella, how cute! This is why I prefer home made blogs vs corporate blogs. They are unique and personal and have more flavor!

  8. A stunning look. Erica, you are looking gorgeous. I love your dress, shoes, belt and handbag too. Really outstanding. Thanks for sharing the post!!
    Fashion Haul


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