2014 Year-End Review!

12:00 AM

 Let's start with the worst of the worst...
This early March make... sigh.  I knew this was F'd up when I made it. Sometimes you just have to own your own mess.  I was in a sewing funk and said as much in the post.  I wanted to make something... and I had bought this crappy-assed fabric.  It was Carolina Herrera for Godsake!  That meant it was supposed to be fabulous, right?  Wrong.  This fabric was like cardboard.  It must've been used for home dec.  It was beyond stiff.  And my slit was way too high.  When I sat down, all of the lady bits were almost on display.  It's been gone...
This skort?  Another case of horrible fabric AND design.  Contrary to belief, I do post failures.  And this is definitely one.  This style was clearly drafted for someone that lacked any sort of curves.  It would've looked perfect on Mikaela with her long, lean, athletic build.  This is a "You Live and You Learn" project.  Everything ain't for everybody and this wasn't for me.  #SheTriedIt though...

The dress that sparked a life change...
I absolutely love working with neoprene and I loved this red dress.  It's fabulous to wear and one of the easiest fabrics to sew.  It's like a beefy power knit.  But when I tell you that the super duper Spanx, plus this amazing fabric did me NO favors... NONE!  I knew it was time to get my ass in the gym.  Pronto.  Stat!  I still have this dress.  I like to try it on because it now hangs off me like a sack.  When I have days that I look in the mirror and my dysmorphia kicks in and I can't see the changes that I've been working towards for almost a year?  I try on that dress.  It's become a mental savior.  And this picture is a reason to keep pushing forward on days I'm mentally drained, tired and sore.  

Now, onto the favorites...
Favorite top!
Vogue 1387, has been one of my favorite tops.  Even though I made it in a larger size than I would sew today, it's still very much wearable and I've been wearing it! A lot! I made this top in an amazing silk crepe de chine.  It has an elastic waist AND a drawstring.  You couldn't ask for a more perfect (figure) transitional garment.
I really like these Simplicity 1366 pants.  They make me so happy.  Maybe it's the print. I don't know...  But I do know that I like them a lot.  I find myself reaching for them often.  I don't want to wear them to the point of getting sick of them.  That happens more than not with me.  So I decided to let them be until Spring.  Even though they'd look really cute with a sweater.  But I'm going to leave them alone.  Because I'd quickly overdose on that print.  I still plan to make this pattern again.  
The Vogue 8939 black turtleneck midi dress is something that I could and would want to wear everyday.  It's not only chic, it's easy dressing and comfortable.  It's an amazing version of the LBD.  

Favorite Project for Someone Else...
My kids ask me to sew them things all of the time.  I literally laugh them out of the room.  As if I have time...  Girl, bye.  But when it comes to special occasion sewing, I am all in for that.  This is Mikaela's last high school homecoming.  Of course I was making her dress. Whatever she wanted.  This dress was a more mature look for her, but still youthful at the same time.  

And favorite projects of the year...
They're two amazing coats, what more is there to say...

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  1. You are so cool! I'm certainty your fan now.



  2. Couldn't agree more, and thanks for your honesty. I do like how you come out of your comfort zone and try different things, whereas I tend to play safe. I can understand why the coats are your favourites. Two classic pieces , I personally find that its the most complex finished pieces I like the most. Maybe its conquering a difficult pattern and all the love, time and effort put into them.

    1. Nothing to be but honest. Sometimes I sew things and think I can make them work. And I realize it just doesn't. No big deal... On to the next! Thanks Louise!

  3. You make so many wonderful pieces - it wouldn't be hard for me to shop your closet. Thanks for all your help and sharing.

  4. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Congrats on a fabulous year erica.

  5. Those pants are fab!

  6. Erica, that's one interesting and successful year. Congrats on all the advanced sewing and styling you've done. Your blog has been a great read and you've given me food for thought on my own sewing and fitness. All the best to you and your loved ones

  7. I think I'm most jealous of your awesome coats cause I never feel like I have that kind of time! Thanks for sharing your misses. I think since you dress them up and photograph them so beautifully that it's hard for us to see them as misses. So sharing that with us is awesome! Happy New Year! May 2015 bring you many amazing sewing journeys!

  8. Erica - such an inspiration and treat in blogland! Here's to a great 2015

  9. Erica, some amazing makes, I can't wait to see what you bring us in 2015.

  10. Happy New Year Erica,
    Thanks for the snapshot of your year. Even your failures are success to others. You have been an amazing inspiration to many. Because of you, I started to blog and now after 5 years, have an outrageous plan for my 2015. I started my 2014 sewing year in September and I've accomplished more in the last 1/2 of 2014 than in all my 5 years of blogging. Whenever I ready your blog, I get all excited and ready to get things moving. You have been such an inspiration to me and others, putting the "you can do this spirit" in us. I'll always support you on your blog, FaceBook and other Social Media, I see you as honest, talented, and REAL.
    Almost forgot to congratulate you on your workout success (Job Well Done), I just signed up for my first 1/2 Marathon of 2015.
    Erica :) Cheers 2015 will be one of your best years yet!

    1. That is so awesome Renata! Thanks you so much for being a devoted reader!

  11. Happy New Year and what a Great Year and, despite your misgivings about the red dress, it looked fabulous.

  12. Happy New Year! Love your year in review. Congrats on your fitness journey. It always brings a smile to my face when I see your gym post on Facebook and I think 'Erica's gettin it in!' lol

  13. Happy New Year! I agree with Sheila, that red dress is still fabulous. Here's to a 2015 with lots of finished garments we love.

  14. He he....I've had my share of F'd up projects. It was an amazing DIY year for you as always. I'm sure 2015 will be just as fabulous. I hope to accomplish lots more in the sewing department in 2015. Happy New Year!

  15. Appreciate your honesty. That last grey coat is utterly fabulous and my favorite of anything you've ever made. Woman, you can do some serious tailoring!

    1. To think that all sewing bloggers pretend as if every project is perfect is a misnomer. No need to appreciate my honesty, because there's no other way for me to be. When I see a project as a failure, I acknowledge it. Thanks Bunny!

  16. A great year in sewing even with the bad.

  17. Wonderful year end wrapup, Erica! You had a great year of fabulous sewing and reinventing yourself! I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2015!

    1. Reinvention is great! As long as I'm living, I'll always be in constant evolution! Thanks Myra!

  18. Love your honesty in featuring what works and what doesn't work for you! Your style is beautiful and really like you in the black turtleneck midi dress, very classy look!


  19. Happy New Year, Erica! You had a great year in sewing, styling and influencing--I feel like a lot of people are making that turtleneck dress because of your beautiful versions.

    1. Thanks Julie! The turtleneck dress was truly a favorite!

  20. Happy new year, this is a great round up. I would love to see a picture of you in the red dress now! The workouts have really worked well for you and they're a real inspiration.

  21. Great review of your hits and misses! I can tell from some of the photos how you have truly toned and slimmed down. That is a good motivator for me.

  22. Thanks for sharing all of your makes, both the ones you liked and the ones you didn't like. I truly love your sense of style. Very chic!

  23. As always, you are an inspiration! You truly are a style icon, and I enjoy seeing not just the fabulous creations, but also the way you style them. Happy 2015!

    1. Style Icon? LOL That's pretty humbling! Thanks Valerie!

  24. Well, I think you look very nice in the red dress, but it's easy to see the difference between now and then. I love that you've kept the dress as a bit of a trophy in to how far you've come.

    I also appreciate your frankness about patterns or fabric that didn't work for whatever reason. Learning from other people's experiences one of my favorite parts about reading sewing blogs.

    Happy New Year!

    1. It's one of mine too Grace! Thanks!

  25. Like you I just love the dress you made for your daughter. And I too appreciate your frankness about patterns/fabrics that don't work. I look forward to your new garments in 2015.

  26. Hey Erica,

    I purchased the shiny skirt material after I saw your skirt. I wanted a head wrap but like you said the fabric was way to stiff/hard. And shiny... Here is the process I used. It took the shine and stiffness out of the fabric and made it more casual if you know what I mean.

    Some fabric manufacturers get carried away with the sizing. As a professional historical clothier I have ran into this several times. I have found that adding a good amount of white vinegar to the the load you wash it in will not only help set any dyes that may run, but will also remove any and all sizing. Be aware however that if the fabric is shiny it may also remove the shine. Also hanging it out to dry on a very windy day also helps loosen up the fabric.

    With your weight loss, you should be able to repurpose if your want. Hope it helps.

    1. Thanks for the tips Body Design!

  27. Anonymous3:28 PM

    You are so brave... all my failure project go straight to the trash! ha ha :)
    So your red dress... regardless of the fact it changed your life and sparked your fitness start.....i think you look fabulous! Hopefully i'll get my sew game up to real bloggers speed. ;) Can't wait to see your 2015 projects!


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