Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: A Touch of Gold with a Slit!

A Touch of Gold with a Slit!

12:00 AM

When I ran across this gorgeous Italian Metallic Gold Abstract Cotton Print fabric at Mood Fabrics, I had to have it.  But typical me, I never stop and just buy a swatch.  Ain't nobody got time for that!  I pull the trigger on the purchase when I see something I like.  I'll make it work for something!
Maybe you guys haven't noticed, but I've been in a sewing funk lately.  Well, it started with a cold and cold meds and I felt like doing NOTHING!  I pretty much vegetated and flipped through all of the March issue magazines. The sewing room collected dust.  And our typical bipolar Southern weather didn't help the situation either.  One day it was 35 degrees, the next day it was 75.  Do I continue making cold weather clothes or do I start sewing for spring?  Well, regardless of the temperature, it is in fact March and almost spring.  So it's about time to pack away the woolens.  Now back to this fabric...  
I was looking for something to get me out of my sewing funk.  You know how it goes, you need that one simple, fulfilling project that gets the sewing juices flowing and what better project than a skirt!  
Sources 1, 2 and 3.

I've fallen in love with the front slit midi length pencil skirts that Michael Kors has done for Spring 2014.  I knew that I needed to make a skirt like that or my sewing world would just not be complete!  This fabric that I bought for a completely different project, fit the bill.  This is a crisp hand medium weight cotton that feels like a lightweight denim.  
I used Simplicity 2257 as my base pattern.  I used view A.  I omitted the kick pleat, belt and loops.  I added 3 inches to the length, created a french vent and drafted a lining (I used Bemberg rayon).  The fabric is 100% cotton, so I treated it like I would any natural fiber -- prewashed and dried on hot!  It sewed and ironed beautiful.
My shoes are from ShoeDazzle.com
Worn with my patent leather top, reviewed here!

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  1. So wonderful! You never disappoint!

  2. I was just asking ....did I miss her blast ...have not seen you lately .....Love that skirt !

  3. Yes. Yes. Yes. I was in a funk too and threw together a simple black knit tee and then BAM I was back! Lol!

    The fabric is so interesting and different - very nice. Great skirt; amazing shoes!!!

    1. Yes Ma'am, that's what we have to do sometimes! Thanks Nakisha!

  4. Nice Skirt! I am envious of the seemingly nice weather. It is 7 below and 6 inches of snow here today. No bare legs for me yet!

    1. I had to pack away the bare legs today, the cold is back! Thanks AngieN!

  5. Very nice skirt. I like your comment "bipolar winter" - fits the bill nicely.

    1. That's the best description I could come up with! Thanks Mrs K!

  6. Cute skirt girl! Love the contrast of the green clutch!

  7. Do you prewash in hot water and dry on high heat? Does that cause any loss of color? I always prewash, but I use cold & hang it to dry, because that's what I generally do with a finished garment.

    I love your skirt, and heels!

    1. I do! I started doing that after I had a bad experience with a garment shrinking from the hot steam iron. Thanks!

  8. Love it! Glad you are no longer in a sewing funk, missed your talent.

  9. When a fabric calls to you, you must answer. You can always interpreter the message (pattern) later as to what it is saying. Obviously your skirt shows that you got the message loud and clear, nice work.

  10. Love your skirt and the way that you styled it!

  11. how do you create (draft and sew) a french vent?


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