Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: Birmingham Fashion Week Kicks Off!

Birmingham Fashion Week Kicks Off!

2:00 PM

BFW was founded on the ideals of bringing unity to our community through fashion. Local and national designers, alongside local and national boutiques, will gather together to promote and inspire our rising stars. Models, make-up and hair stylists will showcase their talents on the runway, while encouraging locals and visitors to explore the creative talents of Birmingham. 
Heidi Elnora (Project Runway, season 2) and her friend Jeana Lee Fleming started Birmingham Fashion Week in 2011. Both are fashion designers with boutiques in Birmingham who thought, why can't "high fashion" have a southern spotlight?  I agree!

Last night, Mikaela and I attended the first leg of Birmingham Fashion Week.  Our local Saks Fifth Avenue sponsored an "Emerging Designers" reveal.  Here's a peek at a few of the designs that grabbed my attention:

And it was pretty chilly last night and since I didn't want to drag around a coat, I dressed in black layers:

My faux leather leggings have become a major wardrobe staple for this winter.  They keep me warm, they're black and manage to go with everything!

Today, I'm hanging in the sewing room, but I'll be under the tent on tomorrow and hopefully I'll have some great fashionable pictures to share!

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  1. I hope you win one of the free Summit gift cards!

    1. A gift card to The Summit? I'd love to win that!

  2. hello homegirl diva i love your blog and have been reading ti now for some time I hope one day we bump into one another at these local events I'm a fashion person and i love what you do always FAB.... :) BB

    1. Thanks Bebe! If you see me, feel free to say 'Hi'!

  3. I love this look on you Erica! I also really love the yellow jacket too! I'm still trying to break away from dark colors! Also, I need to hire your photographer...they take absolutely stunning photos! (It also has a lot to do with the beautiful subject too!). ��

    1. I'll check with my husband and daughters and see if they mind being loaned out. Thanks Myra!

  4. You should be one of those emerging designers, Erica!


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