Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: Good-Bye 2012! Year in Review!

Good-Bye 2012! Year in Review!

6:30 PM

 Okay... let's get started!

I made dresses galore!

Colorful dresses

Dresses with cutouts


Then I took my dresses and skirts to the MAX!
Maxi Dresses

Maxi Skirts

Gingham Style

Colorful Pants
Fancy Pants

Everyone's Favorite Trend:

Sewing for Mikaela

Everything else!

And my most worn garment...
Simplicity 2250
I wore this a LOT more than what was photographed!  

Sometimes... well, most of the time, I feel overwhelmed by life and all that I have going on at home.  I really didn't feel that productive sewing-wise.  But when I look at it all -- here together, I did a lot and I'm proud of myself!  

I hope you guys feel just as accomplished in your sewing.

Here's to a brand new year of making everything you want!

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  1. Thanks so much for all the inspiration! Persevering with sewing gives me a little break from feelings of being overwhelmed with my life, too.

  2. There is just something about you that reminds me so much of my mom (R.I.P). I enjoy your blog posts and sense of style.

    Hey, and thanks for following me on Instagram!

    I virtually look up to you :)


    1. Awwww, that is so sweet Olivia! Thanks!

  3. You are and inspiration. Because of you and one other blogger i have started sewing more and I have been loving it. My friends and I love looking at your style, and we have created a whole girls night dedicated to style talk. So i look forward to what every you do in 2013 - more inspiration i'm sure!

    1. Busy Bee, I love the idea of a girls' night dedicated to style talk! Thanks!

  4. There is so much color here and it's one of the things about your sewing that I'm definitely envious of, your ability to sew in color...especially since I live & work in a black 'n white world.

    You had an amazing sewing year and the overwhelming feelings will pass as your children and their children grow up...spoken from the wise old woman who moved away from hers! *LOL*

    Happy New Year and I can't wait to see what you sew next year!

    1. Carolyn, I'm sure I'll miss them... but I'm looking forward! Thanks!

  5. Once again, you delivered in 2012. I wish I had time to sew. Running a sewing business has me overwhelmed. I hope to sew more in 2013. I love your blog. You are an inspiration! Happy New Year!

  6. Indeed Erica B you accomplished alot in in 2012 and I know 2013 will be more defined :)

  7. Erica, Wow! I can't believe you got so much done this year. I love all of the dresses (and other outfits) you made this year. You're such an inspiration

  8. Great job Erica! You've had a wonderful sewing year and so much to be proud of. We've all had a great time spectating. Can't wait to see what's to come. Keep doing your thang!!!!!

  9. Anonymous9:13 PM

    What a year it's been for you! Gorgeous outfits! I love your look, and I'm excited to see what 2013 brings!!

  10. Wow, you have been productive. Nice clothes!

  11. You've had a great year. How about your spin in Vogue Pattern magazine and you gig as a stylist in the movies? Not a shabby year at all!!

    1. You're right Bunny... not a bad year at all! Thanks!

  12. I just discovered your blog in the last couple of days, and wow... it is amazing! I am so inspired by your skills and seeing how you have put together such a beautiful wardrobe, that definitely does not have the "made at home" look. AND - and even bigger miracle to me as the mother of a 13 yo daughter - your daughter wears clothes you make for her! It is possible! LOL!!

    1. Angela, my daughters BEG me to sew for them all of the time. I only do it on rare occasions though. Thanks!

  13. Oh, I didn't see Bunny's comment - it must have posted while I was getting mine done. You did something in Vogue Pattern magazine? What month, I'd love to try to find it. And a stylist? Very impressive!

    1. Angela, the VP mags are in the sidebar.

  14. What a successful year you've had. Well I still can't sew but you are still my inspiration.

  15. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Wow! An impressive list of projects. I always enjoy looking at your outfits. Love Gingham Style!

  16. Enjoyed your year in review. Lovely garments and all very flattering on you.

  17. Wow - you had a very productive year. Such beautiful garments and so well fitting! I particularly like the black and white dress in the first compilation of photos - stunning!

    Here's to a Happy New (sewing) Year!!

  18. So many beautiful, colorful garments. Love your style!

  19. Anonymous11:32 PM

    WOW! What a perfect year! Love looking at all of these pieces!

  20. Love your style and your amazing work. The fancy pants were my fav.
    All the best for 2013.

    1. Velosewer,the last pair are my favs. Think I'll wear them tomorrow. Thanks!

  21. A great sewing year, indeed! I've loved following you this year, and have found so much inspiration through your looks and color schemes. Here's to an even more productive 2013!

  22. Anonymous2:04 AM

    I'd say you had a great year. So many wonderful pieces.

  23. You are my style hero... I love your wardrobe x

  24. Hi Erica, looking at this amazing collection you don't seem to be a woman who's overwhelmed, rather a woman who is on top of her game and knows exactly what suits her. As always, your craftsmanship and flair for the bold and bright is an inspiration! Keep it up next year please, we need sewers like you in the world!

  25. Well, well, well. Didn't you do well lol.

  26. Anonymous9:48 AM

    My overwhelmed does not look nearly that productive. Good for you. Fabulous collection.

  27. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Hey lady. Happy New Year to you! As you can tell just by the comments, you've inspired EVERYONE (including me) that's posted and even more that haven't. Everyone had a common thread (no pun intended) :-). You indeed had a productive year and the fact that you only scratched the surface with the pics is something to be proud of. I love ALL of your outfits but my favs are the maxi's, dresses, and skirts.

    Life gets in the way for all of us and we're our own worse critic sometimes (I'm preaching to myself), but if I'm blessed with another year, it's another opportunity to do more (and for me) improve.

    I love your reviews because you always tell us how you tweaked certain outfits which is very encouraging.

    Glad you're outta the woods and feeling better health-wise. :-)

  28. You and this blog have been so awesome this year. Considering that I just started sewing this summer I couldn't have done nearly as much without your tips and you answering my late night questions.


  29. You made some amazing garments however my vote goes to the black and white Kay Unger dress. I also love the lace skirt worn with a denim shirt. Brings an evening classic into day wear with style.

    1. Thanks Gail... I love that dress too!

  30. Loved it all. Thanks for so much inspiration.

  31. WOW! I mean it. Truly. WOW! You are amazingly talented and have an incredible grasp on your personal sense of style! Someday... Someday I might be half as capable as you!

  32. Hi Erica,

    I started sewing last year January for the 1st time. I found a video on YouTube of you visiting Mr. Kashi shop in the garment district and since I've checked your blog a couple times a week. I love your work and your fashion sense. I only hope i can get my sew skill up to where you are one day. :) Keep up the good work!

    1. Frenaew, that was such a fun trip! Good luck with your sewing. Thanks!

  33. Great portfolio of wonderful, wonderfully made clothing. Thanks too for sharing - that you maintain your standards and focus in the middle of it all is a real achievement and probably as significant an achievement as your collection. Thank you.

  34. Outstanding! Beautiful and very colorful sewing year. Thanks for the inspiration. Happy New Year!


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