Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: What I'm Wearing / Tropical Florals To Wear From London Hotels to Ocean City Hotels and Things I've Learned!

What I'm Wearing / Tropical Florals To Wear From London Hotels to Ocean City Hotels and Things I've Learned!

11:00 PM

Since the last dress I made, I've been in the mood to wear halters.  So I pulled out this dress I made  2 years ago.
It's Simplicity 2579.  Now, let's talk about the what I've learned since 2 years ago when I made this dress...
First of all, I should have definitely made a FBA.  And a sewn in bra like I did on the eyelet dress would've been great.  And being that I made this dress out of silk crepe de chine and the lining is of silk habotai, the side and back of the bodice would've really benefitted from some boning.  
You live and you learn. Regardless, I think this dress is a great summer vacation dress and would be appropriate almost anywhere! It would do just fine if you're visiting London hotels or Ocean City hotels as a wardrobe choice to pack for that next big trip.  Have any of you ever gone back and worn something that you'd sewn years ago and thought of all the ways you could have improved the garment if you were to sew it today?

Wearing:  dress: Simplicity 2579; sandals: Zara; purse; TJ Maxx.

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  1. Your outfit is too cute!! Love your dress and heels :)


  2. Absolutely! Sewing is one big learning curve for sure :) And can I just say - that floral print was made for you. It suits you so well!

  3. There is always something new to learn, which is a good thing I think. That said, your dress still looks fantastic on you, I love the tropical, but sophisticated print.

  4. Great post, and a lovely dress.

  5. A sewn in bra wouln't assist my girls I need a strapless and backless bra and some corrugated iron to tame my babies lol. You look absolutely fabulous, the print is just up my street. Am still only a beginner but when I look at my first skirt I drafted from an online tute, I cringe. But it was my first and I was so pleased I actually created something.

  6. It's good to hear your tips for how to improve sewing. I try to learn from others, not just my own mistakes, lol.
    I hear your critique, but I have to say, the dress still looks sensational on you and makes the most of your figure.

  7. So true. Do you not think that we are always progressing no matter how expierenced we are? It is definately the case for me and I been sewing for over 40 years.

  8. Absolutely. I also find that the perfect fit I thought I achieved may look baggy after a bit of wearing. Some things you just don't know till you wear them and it's hard.

    1. Bunny, that is most annoying. I usually find that to be the case with pants.

  9. Looking at this dress makes me happy. I love the sewn in bra idea, I'm going to have to look into that. I think I'm always thinking of ways I should have done something better.

  10. Sewing sometimes mimic life, it's called live, learn and improve. There is always room for improvement. By the way I love the floral dress.

  11. Love, love, love this tropical print (I need this for my vacation next month)! Your dresses are so perfect for summer.

  12. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I definitely look back on what I have made and try to correct all the mistakes I made. It's the only way to learn!

  13. Super cute dress Lady! That fabric is definitely a winner!!! Looks great on you. And yes, as they say "hindsight is 20/20". It's great though, because I think one's sewing improves so much when they strive to improve their work;)

  14. Lord, yes, I look back at some things I sewed in the past and cringe -- and then laugh. Sometimes I go back and "fix what I did wrong." Sometimes I wear it anyway. Sometimes another person gets a gift she didn't expect. Sometimes I fold up the garment and put it in a memory box. Usually I harvest buttons and zippers, and shred the thing for rag yarn. I'm glad you saved the dress. The style and the print both suit you very well. And, everything we sew doesn't have to be haute couture. Sometimes you just need to cover yourself while you sweat out a hot summer day.

    1. LinB, that's exactly how I feel when I look back on my first coat. It was a Vogue pattern... an Armani knockoff. I interfaced it so poorly that I really didn't do it justice.

  15. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gorgeous! I love this dress-- it has a very tropical, vacation feel to it. I feel more relaxed just looking at it!

    I can barely stand to look at things I made when I just started sewing-- they're too awful! My standards for what constitutes "good" seam finishing, fit, and construction have evolved rapidly over the last year! Live and learn, right?

  16. I feel exactly the same way. LOL Thanks!

  17. That dress is so cute with your hair (best accessory!).
    I definitely put stuff on and totally see all the "should haves". I actually just had this conversation with my best friend today lol. She asked why I don't just go back and redo it... I promptly rolled off the massive queue of things on my to do list for the summer.

    She got the point. :) As you said Ms. Erica...you live and you learn. :)

  18. Cute dress. We need a mention of where you got your shoes and handbag for your outfits because they always match so well!

  19. Bham Fashion, I always mention at the end of the posts. Thanks!

  20. Прелестный образ получился.

  21. Thanks кокоша!

  22. Yes, that would have been my wedding dress. I am horrified when I look at it now, 10 years later. I didn't even finish the seams! But I have to say, I almost miss those days of creative abandon when I didn't care if something didn't line up perfectly. I think I have become way too picky with my sewing now. It can take the fun and spontaneity out of it sometimes. My 2 cents. (BTW that dress looks fabulous, regardless of the shoulda coulda woulda ;)

  23. Michelle, things not matching up (i.e. seam lines at the zipper insertion) would drive me nuts. I'd have to fix it or it would end up trash. I even took the time to match the plaid as perfectly as possible on the baby's shorts. I just can't get with the "Happy Hands at Home" look. The best compliment ever is when someone that knows I sew can't tell if I made it or bought it.


  24. Yes I have a red ultra suede jacket I made last year that I now realize if I had used the FBA it would have fit much better :( but I plan on making it again for the fall and will be using a FBA this time :). Love the print on your dress!

  25. You look very nice in the floral dress.

  26. Like you, I learn from every garment I sew. When we stop learning, we stop enjoying. That dress is one of my favorites. It is very flattering and the colors and the print are great on you.

  27. Pretty much all of my "starter" garments are gone. I'm really good at letting go and getting rid of old things. When I did my last clean I got rid of a dress I made several years ago. I liked to look at it but, it never fit quite right and I didn't know why then. I needed an FBA, no curve in the waist, shorter sleeves and a smaller bodice cut - you name it! It's nice to know that the garments I have now don't have to go in the "goodwill pile" unless I absolutely don't want them. Can't say any of the giveaways were as cute as your dress tho! LOL!!!

  28. This is such a pretty dress! I can't see any thing that can be approved on.

  29. Most definitely! However, this is a great dress with great ideas! Love the look, even for today!

  30. You are fabulous!

  31. I love florals--you are wearing it well! ;)



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