Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: What I'm Wearing | Black & White ZigZag -- A Throwback!

What I'm Wearing | Black & White ZigZag -- A Throwback!

10:00 PM

This skirt is a throwback from waaaaaaayyyyyyy back.  It's from 2005!  
It's one of my favorite crocheted projects.  In case you haven't been reading my blog from its initial conception, you may or may not know that I do crochet and knit.  I just haven't sat down to do either in a while. 

 All I remember about this project is that this skirt was really easy to make.  Back then, I was churning out about 2 crocheted projects a week.  And I love the fit and flare style! 
As you can see, I'm VERY particular about the care and maintenance of my clothes.  Especially the ones that I put painstaking time and effort into hand making.
Wearing:  silk tank from TJ Maxx; wedges: Jessica Simpson; black raffia & leather clutch: The Limited; fedora: Target; belt: Calvin Klein.

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  1. Your crochet skirt is gorgeous, amazing that you made it!

  2. That skirt is IN-credible. I am just in awe. And it looks fantastic on you.

  3. I'm an even bigger fan now that I know you crochet and knit! That skirt is gorgeous, love the zigzag design.

  4. wow! your skirt is amazing!

  5. You look amazing, and the styling is bar none the best!

  6. Love the crochet skirt. It puts me in in mind of this knit/crochet dress pattern I have in a 70's knit and crochet mag, I bought at a charity shop. One day am going to make it. One day lol. Only at the knitting a scarf stage at the moment. Lovin all the knitting groups around atm.

  7. Meant to say, do you use anything special to wash you rknitted items? Or just handwash with powder designed for colours, since they are kinder than regular powder.

    1. Sassy T, I handwash with regular detergent and lay flat to dry.

  8. Sigh. I wish I could knit and crochet. I remember your crochet dress. It's phenomenal too.

  9. Your skirt is timeless and beautiful.

  10. I made this skirt also, I think 2008, and it is one of my favorite, crochet or otherwise. It does have a wonderful fit! Great outfit!

  11. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I don't usually wear black and white during summer because it can get so hot during the summer but I like this look! The bottom edge of the skirt is especially nice!

  12. Love that FIT! Absolutely cute outfit!

    Do you dry clean your crochet items? I'm dying to make a dress but I don't think I can throw it in the wash like my hats, scarves, legwarmers and gloves...:)

    1. Divamazon, handwash... kitchen sink... the end. Thanks!

  13. I love all the stripes and zig zags in this outfit--so jazzy! I have not yet learned to crochet but know that I might get addicted when I do. ;) This is a timeless skirt.

  14. Love this outfit! Would you ever consider putting together a clothes care guide for how you care for your things? I always struggle with how to wash my handmade clothing.

    1. Rebecca, don't over think it. Treat handmade garments just like you would treat the ones you buy. Thanks!

  15. As always you look amazing, and the craftsmanship is phenomenal...

  16. I so love the skirt.

  17. Great crochet skirt and makes me want to pull out my crochet hooks.

    1. Sheila, it's been a while for me as well. Thanks!

  18. I'm so super jealous. I want desparately to learn to crochet but can't find anyone to teach me. I love it! A testament to fashion classics.

  19. That is one gorgeous skirt. Love the print on it and the whole white and black ensemble.


  20. I love the skirt! I'm more of a knitter than crochetter (I find crochetting confusing). I love seeing your crochet pieces becuase they inspire me to try to crochet more.

  21. I can't believe you crocheted that Erica! You put Missoni to shame! That looks sooo hard!!

  22. Wow this is a really cute skirt and so trendy for today!

  23. Oh My Gosh!!! I LOVE that skirt! The chevron pattern and color are amazing. You are soooo talented!


  24. That is one good-looking skirt! If one can make garments like that with a crochet needle then I want to learn how to crochet. And you said this is easy???

    1. Goodbye Valentino, it was pretty easy for me. I learned as a child by crocheting pot holders. And now they're lots of how-to videos. Thanks!

  25. I used to love to sew for myself when I was younger and trimmer! I'm getting ready to have gastric sleeve surgery and looking forward to having a smaller body and getting back into sewing. My proportions are so weird overweight that it's just not worth it to me to try to make adjustments. I'm so glad to see you pick up your hook again! I've been following you off and on for many years. Love your style - you are so talented! Wish I was in the ATL so I could take some classes with you!!

  26. Oops - you're in Birmingham - not Atlanta, my bad!!

  27. I love the skirt and the whole outfit. You always put things together so well. Stay dry. The hurricane is coming our way!

    1. Thanks Carolyn! You be safe and dry too!

  28. Love it! It's funny how much take one takes over their handmade creations. I'm so particular about mine, after all that work :)


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