Erica Bunker | DIY Style! The Art of Cultivating a Stylish Wardrobe: What I'm Wearing: Yellow + Turquoise!

What I'm Wearing: Yellow + Turquoise!

11:30 PM

I use to be so afraid of color.  My entire wardrobe consisted of black, grey and white/ivory.  I even wore French tip nails for YEARS because I wouldn't dare wear "color" on my hands.  It feels good to step outside of my comfort zone.

Today was a very full day.  I had so much today.  This picture was taken around 7 pm.  I love the fact that these pants held up all day without showing a lot of wrinkles from sitting and driving.  
I'm loving bright color blocking. I'm so glad that this trend is carrying over into spring.  Had it not, I'd be doing it anyway.  It just makes sense!  These colors of bright yellow and turquoise/peacock blue make me feel as though I'm willing spring to arrive as soon as possible.  
I added other bright colors too with an orange studded bracelet and Peony pink polish.
Since I represented so much color with my clothing and accessories, I decided to go with a "nude" shoe.
Wearing:  sweater: J. Crew; belt:  Anne Klein; pants:  Vogue 8774; shoes: Steve Madden

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  1. O.K. I LOVE your hair. You have amazingly beautiful hair.

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Lovely combination! That sweater looks stunning on you!
    Fashionhypnotised girl

  3. You are so gorgeous! I'm inspired to be bolder with color now!

    1. Verypurpleperson, wearing BRIGHT colots is such a big deal for me! Thanks!

  4. I love that outfit. I just keep asking myself, what is she doing in alabama, you need to be here in sunny LOS ANGELES. That outfit could have been great with a fusia pink shoe as well. I just its no more black for me, huh. Oh, im trying to use pinterest but whats the deal with that sight? how do i get in?

    1. Valerie, if you need a Pinterest invite, email me: ericabunker@ericabunker.com. I'll send you one. Thanks!

  5. Great minds think alike!! I also wore these two colors yesterday!! I think they look great together. You did fab with the touch of leopard print! ;)

  6. you look lovely. Great colour combination.xx


  7. I can totally relate to you, I used to wear all black for years and years. You look amazing in color btw, especially in yellow!

  8. You look so lovely in anything that you wear. I think you have the perfect body. I also loved seeing you in the Vogue Pattern magazine. From an old lady I say
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

  9. Boy did your comment about color hit home for me. I am so afraid of color, and I am so TIRED of my bland wardrobe. It's your use of color that drew me to your blog in the first place so I'm so surprised and invigorated by your statement. There's hope for me yet. Have to add that I love your hair too--very fresh and flattering.

  10. Celeste, adding color to my wardrobe has been a gradual change over the last year or so. I would "force" myself to walk away from the black fabric and grab some with color!

  11. I love the turquoise and yellow! It will be excellent for home decor too.

    1. Christine, those colors would be wonderful for brightening up a room.

  12. Erica hi. (My first comment here, so I feel a bit awkward). You are an inspiration to me. I like the way you play with style and colour. I have watched you here and also on chictopia and I can honestly say have given me the courage to finally dare to embrace colour. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am a trained fashion designer by the way, maybe that will give you an idea what this means to me. THANK YOU!!

  13. You are inspiring me with your use of color! I too need to step out of my black/grey/tan comfort zone. Now if I could only get to the "Erica Bunker Accessory Wall"!

  14. This outfit looks great, definitely something I would not think of...LOL. I am one of those colorless people (black/brown/gray), but am willing to try some because I have been loving the stuff you have been putting together as well as some of the other bloggers, such as Mimi. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Love the boldness of this color combination. Great looking outfit.

  16. HOT! I love the look!


  17. Great colors and looks fab on you. Bold colors are exploding in each store I have gone into and was inspired and purchased a yellow cardigan. I think they labeled the color bamboo. Its funny I will wear bold abstract colors and shy away from solid bold colors, but you have inspired me to step outside my comfort zone. Thanks.

    1. Sheila, I've been seeing brights as well. Even the muted palettes are pretty Easter-like pastels.

  18. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I love what you wear! You have inspired me so much that yesterday I braved a snowstorm to drive to JoAnns just so I could get the Vogue jeans pattern on sale & fabric. I figure living in ice & snow is all the more reason to look stylish!


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