What I'm Wearing | White after Labor Day!

5:15 PM

"No white jeans after Labor Day?  Who are you, my grandmother?  I'll wear white jeans whenever I want!"  (That Tide commercial cracks me up!)
ESPECIALLY when it's 75 degrees in the middle of January!  
I always talk about the crazy weather we have here often.  Because from day-to-day, you never know what you're going to get.  Just like it was in the mid-70s today, it can rain tomorrow and the temp can drop to 30 degrees.  Then we could have snow the next day.  
I was raised to abide by the fashion rule of "No white after Labor Day" and not until Memorial Day.  In my opinion, it's no longer a faux pas, especially when you live in a warmer climate.  It just makes sense to dress for the weather and not the season.
I'm actually looking forward to a few more weeks of real winter weather.  I still have a coat I want to make!

Wearing:  shirt: Butterick 5526; jeans: NYDJ in 'Optic'; shoes: blue suede ankle strap wedges from Lotus Boutique; bag: old and silver accessories.

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  1. Your outfit is hott!

  2. Loving the white with the blue. I'll be wearing a cute white sundress on the beach with my blue pumps in a couple weeks. CAN'T WAIT lol

  3. Pumps on the beach? Oh you fancy! LOL

    Thanks Adrienne!

  4. Unfortunately, I'd look like an idiot in Michigan in January in white. What a bummer but you can represent for me!

    1. Yep, you probably would, LOL! I will!

  5. I'm always iffy on white, but thats because I just end up getting dirt all over me!!!!

    Your shirt is great, I like that pattern and absolutely love those shoes!

  6. LOL, my grandmother always said "No white after Labor Day" and every time I think about wearing pure white I can hear her!!!!! Hats off to you, you look great!

  7. Thanks Dressed2atee!

  8. Erica! Lady, you are rockin' this look from head to toe!!

  9. Well, hey...the term "Winter White" must have come from somewhere, so I think we can just say, I'm wearing "Winter white." And that looks great on you!

  10. ***Clutching my pearls!***

    I LOVE wearing white and wear it frequently, but that old rule is still in my head. Although I have given up on pantyhose....

    Oh Well, To each, her own

  11. Erica, we have the same type of January weather in Texas. Warm one day, freezing the next! I love white. I think that it looks good whenever you're in the mood for it. You look great as always!

  12. Those same "fashion rules" dictated that you had to wear all black for an entire year whenever anyone in your family died. I don't follow that one, either.

  13. Exactly Arlene!

    Serenity, you would have really been clutching your pearls here yesterday. It was 75 degrees. There were people walking around in shorts and flip flops.

    Thanks BPatricia74!

    LinB, that wouldn't happen with us. My family has a tradition of wearing white to funerals. A "homegoing" is a celebration.

  14. Peace Queen. I live in the "A". I know the ridiculousness of the weather here....

    And my peeps wear white to funerals too. So I have seasonal white 'mourning dresses'. And am planning to make another one for the spring.... Sounds way more morbid than it is.

  15. Great outfit and you're very lucky to live in a relatively warm climate this time of year. I still have trouble wearing white after Labor Day, even though I love the look...but that Tide commercial is hilarious!

  16. I wouldn't call it "lucky" at all Denise. Warm temperatures this time of year brings tornadoes.

  17. This is such a fun look and it actually feels kinda urban wintery. In TX of course it's hard to have rules since winters here are terribly unpredictable. (We can count on summer, though--even in winter!)

  18. ditto! (to all the comments:)

  19. Anonymous4:20 PM

    You have the best shoes I want a picture of your collection. I am afraid of white pants but they look great on you.

  20. I really love your outfit.....You look superb

  21. Super Cute Lady!!!

  22. Petty! And I still want those shoes!

  23. those shoes are amazing!

  24. Thanks! I currently want to wear them with everything!


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