Hotpatterns is kicking my...
5:45 PMI have never, EVER been so frustrated with a pattern before in my life! I spent yesterday working on a muslin for
The problem I've been having is the front flap. Here are the instructions (click image to enlarge):
You see where the I placed the red arrow? The pattern marking looks like a dart. The instructions says to sew the edge of the "L" shaped piece to the outer stitch line. Okay... THIS is where confusion sets in. The instructions said that all pieces should be sewn right side to right side unless specified differently. This would cause the unfinished edge to show!
Has anyone else tried this pattern yet?
Sidenote: Just so you know I'm not losing it, Mimi is having the same problem. I think we need to certify this pattern a dud.

The problem I've been having is the front flap. Here are the instructions (click image to enlarge):

Has anyone else tried this pattern yet?
Sidenote: Just so you know I'm not losing it, Mimi is having the same problem. I think we need to certify this pattern a dud.