Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This is why I say "NO TO THE PONCHO"

OMG! Today, on Martha it was "Poncho Day". Martha Stewart arrived on the set of her new show driving the Flying Fingers Yarn Bus. Speaking of "flying fingers", she then greeted the one and only Lily Chin who was on the show to give lessons on how to crochet "Ponchos for Pooches" for Martha's Chow Chow Paw Paw. Lily gave away one of her secrets for her "faster-than-light-crochet": She said that she oils up her hook with moisturizer and tissues it off and listens to The Ramones -- I may just have to try that.

Inside the studio, everyone, I mean EVERYONE -- in the studio, men too (even David Spade and ELMO!), were wearing the "The Gift", Lily's version - "The Freedom Poncho" and every other name it goes by, poncho. This was so traumatizing to me that I think I will get "light-headed" every time I pass Lion Brand Homespun in the store. I'll have to admit, the only poncho that I saw in the audience that I liked was the one that was worn by the daughter of the lady who crocheted the poncho for Martha.


  1. OMG! That is just wrong. A whole studio audience of poncho wearers?! Armagedon is surely coming! ;)


  2. To add insult to injury... today on Martha, she had the audience play a game of "Show-And-Tell". Once they made their presentations, she awarded them with "the poncho". Good Grief!
